Download the new updated setup - Posted by
Saleem We have just rolled an update to the game which will require you to download a new setup file.
The new changes:
- Imported new area to the game from GMS v92 which is Malaysia.
- Updated monsters in Ulu City and Ninja Castle areas with stats and exp to match GMS v92.
- Installed the "Tubi" cilent by defaullt for faster looting, faster actions and less delay.
- Fixed restrictions with not able to use potions and some skills in Mini Dungeons.
- Added Squishy Shoes to King Slime which you can kill in Kerning PQ.
- Added Broken Glasses to Ludi PQ as a reward.
- Some other small fixes to improve the game.
You can download the new setup from our website, if you don't update you will crash and disconnect automatically.
Known issues:
All NPCs in the new areas: Ulu City, Ninja Castle and Malaysia are not coded yet, we will code them later.
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